Wednesday, August 19, 2009

One more stone in the ring...

Some boast,
Some herald,
Riches cost their master's intellect!
Pompous Heraldry
False pride upon it,costs dearly,
Yet the possessor thinks it to be his own permanent forte.
nothing remains,
The material wealth
the worldly gains...
Everything sublimates
and blends,indistinguishable from earth.
Nothing can stay forever.
Can path of truth lead anywhere else then ultimate truth?
The final destined hour is one and the same for all.
Even Almighty cannot change that!


Dont Patronise Me said...

Goog blog! Take a look at my page, I'd like your opinion! Racehl

Shivangi Shaily said...

thanks...ok sur I'll go through it.

sujata sengupta said...

My grandma used to say that think of yourself as a caretaker to all the things that surround you. Just like a caretaker or cleaner in the house will look after everything, but will be detached because she knows the things are not hers, if you can achieve will be free of sorrow..I think there si a lot of sense to that. People, relations, materials are stuff on rent, enjoy and let go in the same condition you recieved them.

Shivangi Shaily said...

Thanks for sharing your Grand ma's qoutes di :)Yes, as krishna says,Soul changes bodies as man changes his clothes.

angel in disguise.... said...

hmmm..rightly said, yet i beleieve that ultimately its we who shape our destiny!:)