Sometimes great lessons of life can be learnt from routine examples. I've been noticing my mum speak some interesting proverbs and examples, which I thought to share......
- "चोर खीरा चुराए या हीरा चुराए, वो चोर ही होता है।" - किसी भी चीज़ की नक़ल करना भी १ तरह की चोरी ही है, ऐसा नही है की पाप के खाते में सामान की कीमत देख के सज़ा तय की जाती हो। -speaking last night on the issue of the design plagiarism that often occurs in our field.
- "ठाकुर सुहाती " क्यों बोलेंगे लोग? -trying to counsell me,because I often feel offended and hurt when the wind around me is not favourable. The term means to flatter and always speak good for the dominant one.
nice post
thank you
All accolades @ my mum :)
good post
thank you for reading :D
IS there really something original?? isnt everything influenced by the other??
and btw, why is Stealing a SIN?? In this Kalyug..everything has become a means of capitalising..isnt it?
and the second phrase..thats quite correct and nice.. :)
liked it
Everything if not original, can be said to have a unique identity, if even that is lost, then nothing remains. There is also a huge difference between being influenced and copying.Stealing isn't a sin untill it is done in good spirit and without hurting anyone else.
Capitilization is the point where people tend to lose originality and advanse hastily 2wards professionalism.
Truely commented :)
maza aa gaya ....Intresting
Meri Kalam - Meri Abhivyakti
nice quotes and explanations are also good.Keep it up.Interesting blog.
Navnit Nirav
thankyou all :)
The Thakur suhati stuff was short but it actually conveyed a thought for a lifetime.
Immensely correct.
Ye title maine kahin aur bhi suna hai
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